Upmarket Oxfordshire Development Highlights THERMOMUR® ICF Benefits

JACKON ICF Oxfordshire multi-residential development

A prestigious new development in the West Oxfordshire village of Kingham has used THERMOMUR® 350 Super Block to provide the most energy efficient building system currently available.

This product enables a U-value of 0.15 straight out of the box. This means it fully complies with the changes to Part L Building Regultions coming into effect in June this year. These will stipulate a maximum of 0.16 U-value on external walls, as part of a requirement that new homes emit 31% less CO2 than is required by the current Part L.

Kingham Barns comprise five buildings, one of which is a gym. The developer is the HENGE Group and the contractor is Agilitee. Two of the houses and the gym are new builds and have been constructed using the JACKON products. The other two houses are refurbishments of existing Cotswold stone structures.

Chaminda Narayan, the Managing Director of Agilitee has now used THERMOMUR® on a number of projects and is very enthusiastic about its benefits. “There simply is no other block that compares to THERMOMUR® on strength, U-values or price. This is now our preferred building system. It meets the toughest new regulations on insulation, it is straightforward to use, with minimal wastage and it can be clad using almost unlimited different methods, which is important in a heritage type of project such as this.”

The completed multi-residential development looks absolutely stunning and is a credit to all involved, especially the team from Agilitee Ltd. “This has been a very satisfying project,” says Glenn Kiely, Business Development Manager at JACKON. “It shows that THERMOMUR® blocks can be used to create highly aesthetic new housing developments, which also fully comply with – in fact comfortably exceed – the new Future Homes Standard regs that are coming in this year. JACKON is ahead of the game!”